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  • av 自拍偷拍 2017年发表的SCI论文(按IF排序)
    发布日期:2024-12-10 21:27    点击次数:68

    av 自拍偷拍 2017年发表的SCI论文(按IF排序)

    序号 论文称号 发表刊物/年卷期页 第一作家 通信作家 学系 影响因子 1 An   essential role for PNLDC1 in piRNA 3' end trimming and male fertility in   mice. Cell   Res. 2017 Nov;27(11):1392-1396 张越 

    沙家豪 叶岚  av 自拍偷拍


    组织胚胎学 15.606 2 The   histone methyltransferase Suv39h2 contributes to nonalcoholic steatohepatitis   in mice. Hepatology.   2017 Jun;65(6):1904-1919 樊智文  徐涌 沈爱国 病理生理学 13.246 3 Innate   scavenger receptor-A regulates adaptive T helper cell responses to pathogen   infection. Nat   Commun. 2017 Jul 11;8:16035 徐志鹏 陈晓军 苏川 病原生物学 12.124 4 The   histone H3K9 methyltransferase SUV39H links SIRT1 repression to myocardial   infarction. Nat   Commun. 2017 Mar 31;8:14941 杨光  徐涌 孙爱军 病理生理学 12.124 5 H3K27   acetylation activated-long non-coding RNA CCAT1 affects cell proliferation   and migration by regulating SPRY4 and HOXB13 expression in esophageal   squamous cell carcinoma. Nucleic   Acids Res. 2017 Apr 7;45(6):3086-3101 张二宝 

    德伟  Lin Xu

    束永前 陈锦飞

    死活字学与分子生物学 10.162 6 TCTE1   is a conserved component of the dynein regulatory complex and is required for   motility and metabolism in mouse spermatozoa. Proc   Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2017 Jul 3;114(27):E5370-E5378 Castaneda,JM 刘明兮 Matzuk, MM、Ikawa, M 组织胚胎学 9.661 7 Scavenger   Receptor A1 Prevents Metastasis of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer via Suppression   of Macrophage Serum Amyloid A1. Cancer   Res. 2017 Apr 1;77(7):1586-1598. 张艳  陈琪 贲晶晶 病理生理学 9.122 8 Mechanistic   study of CBT-Cys click reaction and its application for identifying bioactive   N-terminal cysteine peptides in amniotic fluid. Chem   Sci. 2017 Jan 1;8(1):214-222 郑珍 

    王富强 黄光明


    梁高林av 自拍偷拍

    分析测试中心 8.668 9 The   E3 ubiquitin ligase RNF114 and TAB1 degradation are required for   maternal-to-zygotic transition. EMBO   Rep. 2017 Feb;18(2):205-216 杨烨  霍然 李卫 组织胚胎学 8.568 10 Sleep   homeostasis regulated by 5HT2b receptor in a small subset of neurons in the   dorsal fan-shaped body of drosophila. Elife.   2017 Oct 6;6. pii: e26519 钱永军 黄娟 饶毅 生物技能 7.725 11 A viral microRNA downregulates metastasis suppressor CD82 and induces cell   invasion and angiogenesis by activating the c-Met signaling. Oncogene.   2017 Sep 21;36(38):5407-5420 李婉  卢春 病原生物学 7.519 12 Synergistic   Suppression of Tumor Angiogenesis by the Co-delivering of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Targeted siRNA and Candesartan Mediated by   Functionalized Carbon Nanovectors      ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2017 Jul 19;9(28):23353-23369 丁学芳 王玉 王伟 药理学 7.504 13 Effective Integration of Targeted Tumor Imaging and Therapy Using Functionalized InP QDs with VEGFR2 Monoclonal Antibody and miR-92a Inhibitor. ACS   Appl Mater Interfaces. 2017 Apr 19;9(15):13068-13078 吴艺舟  张根 He N Zeng X 细胞生物学 7.504 14 Aberrant   Splicing Induced by Dysregulated Rbfox2 Produces Enhanced Function of CaV1.2  Calcium Channel and Vascular Myogenic Tone in Hypertension. Hypertension.   2017 Dec;70(6):1183-1192 周盈盈  王觉进 生理学 6.857 15 Angiogenic   Factor With G Patch and FHA Domains 1 Is a Novel Regulator of Vascular Injury. Arterioscler   Thromb Vasc Biol. 2017 Apr;37(4):675-684 周必胜 徐涌 夏俊 病理生理学 6.607 16 Epigenetic   Regulation of Interleukin 6 by Histone Acetylation in Macrophages and Its Role in Paraquat-Induced Pulmonary Fibrosis, Front   Immunol. 2017 Jan 30;7:696 胡丽  陈峰 法医学 6.429 17 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin   D Inhibits LPS-Induced High-Mobility Group Box 1 (HMGB1) Secretion via   Targeting the NF-E2-Related Factor 2-Hemeoxygenase-1-HMGB1 Pathway in Macrophages. Front   Immunol. 2017 Oct 16;8:1308 饶泽兵 陈允梓 免疫学 6.429 18 Neurosteroid dehydroepiandrosterone enhances activity and trafficking of astrocytic GLT-1 via σ1 receptor-mediated PKC activation in the hippocampal dentate gyrus of rats. Glia.   2017 Sep;65(9):1491-1503 陈婷婷 陈玲 Sokabe, M 生理学 6.2 19 Activation of Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid 4 Promotes the Proliferation of   Stem Cells in the Adult Hippocampal Dentate Gyrus. Mol   Neurobiol. 2017 Oct;54(8):5768-5779 田玉静 陈蕾 生理学 6.19 20 Activation of Sigma-1 Receptor Alleviates Postpartum Estrogen Withdrawal-Induced  Depression Through Restoring Hippocampal nNOS-NO-CREB Activities   in Mice. Mol   Neurobiol. 2017 May;54(4):3017-3030.  张苏云  陈玲 吴洁 生理学 6.19 21 Caspase-1   Deficiency Alleviates Dopaminergic Neuronal Death via Inhibiting   Caspase-7/AIF Pathway in MPTP/p Mouse Model of Parkinson's Disease. Mol   Neurobiol. 2017 Aug;54(6):4292-4302 乔晨 胡刚 药理学 6.19 22 AMPK   activation by peri-sciatic nerve administration of ozone attenuates   CCI-induced neuropathic pain in rats. J   Mol Cell Biol. 2017 Apr 1;9(2):132-143 陆丽娟 

    刘文涛 程志祥


    药理学 5.988 23 HRD1 prevents apoptosis in renal tubular epithelial cells by mediating eIF2α   ubiquitylation and degradation. Cell   Death Dis. 2017 Dec 11;8(12):3202 黄玉洁 梁秀彬 病理生理学 5.965 24 Salusin-β   contributes to oxidative stress and inflammation in diabetic cardiomyopathy Cell   Death Dis. 2017 Mar 23;8(3):e2690 赵明霞 朱国庆 生理学 5.965 25 BCL6 attenuates renal inflammation via negative regulation of NLRP3 transcription. Cell   Death Dis. 2017 Oct 26;8(10):e3156. 陈丹 朱国庆 生理学 5.965 26 NLRP3   inflammasome activation contributes to VSMC phenotypic transformation and proliferation in hypertension. Cell   Death Dis. 2017 Oct 5;8(10):e3074 孙海建 朱国庆 生理学 5.965 27 Early enriched physical environment reverses impairments of the hippocampus, but not medial prefrontal cortex, of socially-isolated mice. Brain   Behav Immun. 2017 Aug;64:232-243 曹敏 肖明 药理学 5.964 28 IL-17-triggered   downregulation of miR-497 results in high HIF-1α expression and consequent   IL-1β and IL-6 production by astrocytes in EAE mice. Cell   Mol Immunol. 2017;14(11)909-923 单锴  邱文 免疫学 5.897 29 The TIR/BB-loop mimetic AS-1 prevents non-alcoholic steatohepatitis and hepatic insulin resistance by inhibiting NLRP3-ASC inflammasome activation. Br   J Pharmacol. 2017 Jun;174(12):1841-1856 王晓露 李跃华 李建涛  病理生理学 5.491 30 Suppression of carboxylesterases by imatinib mediated by the down-regulation of pregnane X receptor. Br   J Pharmacol. 2017 Apr;174(8):700-717. 洛文靖 熊晶 奚涛 药理学 5.491 31 MHC II-, but not MHC II+, hepatic Stellate cells contribute to liver fibrosis of mice in infection with Schistosoma japonicum. Biochim   Biophys Acta. 2017 Jul;1863(7):1848-1857. 周春雷 王勇 病原生物学 5.476 32 Hepatic stellate cell-specific deletion of SIRT1 exacerbates liver fibrosis in mice. Biochim   Biophys Acta. 2017 Dec;1863(12):3202-3211 黎敏  徐涌 李平 病理生理学 5.476 33 GPRASP2, a novel causative gene mutated in an X-linked recessive syndromic hearing loss. J   Med Genet. 2017 Jun;54(6):426-430 邢光前  曹新 生物技能 5.451 34 TIMP-1 and CD82, a promising combined evaluation marker for PDAC. Oncotarget.   2017 Jan 24;8(4):6496-6512 张洁心  韩晓 死活字学与分子生物学 5.168 35 Effects of targeting SLC1A5 on inhibiting gastric cancer growth and tumor   development in vitro and in vivo. Oncotarget.   2017 Jul 22;8(44):76458-76467 陆建  卢春 邹晓平 病原生物学 5.168 36 Sigma-1 receptor knockout increases α-synuclein aggregation and phosphorylation with loss of dopaminergic neurons in substantia nigra. Neurobiol   Aging. 2017 Nov;59:171-183 洪娟 陈玲 生理学 5.117 37 Angiotensin-(1-7)   in Paraventricular Nucleus Contributes to the Enhanced Cardiac Sympathetic   Afferent Reflex and Sympathetic Activity in Chronic Heart Failure Rats Cell   Physiol Biochem. 2017;42(6):2523-2539 任兴胜 韩莹 生理学 5.104 38 Osterix Decreases the Chemosensitivity of Breast Cancer Cells by Upregulating   GALNT14. Cell   Physiol Biochem. 2017;44(3):998-1010 吴佳慧  马长艳 发育遗传学 5.104 39 NLRP3 Gene Deletion Attenuates Angiotensin II-Induced Phenotypic Transformation of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells and Vascular Remodeling. Cell   Physiol Biochem. 2017 Dec 14;44(6):2269-2280. 任兴胜 朱国庆 生理学 5.104 40 Lidocaine   alleviates morphine tolerance via AMPK-SOCS3-dependent neuroinflammation suppression in the spinal cord. J   Neuroinflammation. 2017 Nov 2;14(1):211 张艳  姜春懿 刘文涛 药理学 5.102 41 Blocking ATP-sensitive potassium channel alleviates morphine tolerance by inhibiting HSP70-TLR4-NLRP3-mediated neuroinflammation. J   Neuroinflammation. 2017 Nov 25;14(1):228 屈杰  姜春懿 刘文涛 药理学 5.102 42 Grape seed-derived procyanidins alleviate gout pain via NLRP3 inflammasome   suppression. J   Neuroinflammation. 2017 Apr 4;14(1):74 刘海娇  刘文涛 药理学 5.102 43 Selective suppression of the JNK-MMP2/9 signal pathway by tetramethylpyrazine   attenuates neuropathic pain in rats. J   Neuroinflammation. 2017 Aug 31;14(1):174 姜来  刘文涛 药理学 5.102 44 Activation of Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid 4 Impairs the Dendritic Arborization of Newborn Neurons in the Hippocampal Dentate Gyrus through the AMPK and Akt Signaling Pathways. Front   Mol Neurosci. 2017 Jun 15;10:190 田玉静  陈蕾 生理学 5.076 45 MPTP-reduced dopaminergic afferent in basolateral amygdala causes down-regulation of GABAA receptors and LTD impairment. Front   Mol Neurosci. 2017 Aug 7;10:247 张婷婷 陈玲 生理学 5.076 46 Hyperactivity of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis due to dysfunction of the hypothalamic glucocorticoid receptor in sigma-1 receptor knockout mice. Front   Mol Neurosci. 2017 Sep 6;10:287 狄婷婷 陈玲 生理学 5.076 47 Rosiglitazone exerts an anti-depressive effect in unpredictable chronic mild-stress-induced depressive mice by maintaining essential neuron autophagy and inhibiting excessive astrocytic apoptosis Front   Mol Neurosci. 2017 Sep 14;10:293. 赵展 孙秀兰 药理学 5.076 48 Acetylation of MKL1 by PCAF regulates pro-inflammatory transcription. Biochim   Biophys Acta. 2017 Aug;1860(8):839-847 于早晨 徐涌 病理生理学 5.018 49 Sigma-1 receptor deficiency reduces GABAergic inhibition in the basolateral amygdala  leading to LTD impairment and depressive-like behaviors. Neuropharmacology.   2017 Apr;116:387-398 张宝峰 陈玲 王军 生理学 5.012 50 PPARβ/δ activation protects against corticosterone-induced ER stress in astrocytes by inhibiting the CpG hypermethylation of microRNA-181a. Neuropharmacology.   2017 Feb;113(Pt A):396-406 季娟  孙秀兰 药理学 5.012 51 Lis1   Regulates Germinal Center B Cell Antigen Acquisition and Affinity Maturation. J   Immunol. 2017 Jun 1;198(11):4304-4311 陈晶晶  王晓明 刘小龙 免疫学 4.856 52 Sublytic  C5b-9 Induces Glomerular Mesangial Cell Apoptosis through the Cascade Pathway   of MEKK2-p38 MAPK-IRF-1-TRADD-Caspase 8 in Rat Thy-1 Nephritis. J   Immunol. 2017 Feb 1;198(3):1104-1118 朱赣迁  王迎伟 免疫学 4.856 53 Salusin-β   Is Involved in Diabetes Mellitus-Induced endothelial dysfunction via degradation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma Oxidative   Medicine and Cellular Longevity.2017,Nov19;2017: Article ID 6905217 孙海建  张枫 生理学 4.593 54 RhoA S-nitrosylation as a regulatory mechanism influencing endothelial barrier function in response to G+-bacterial toxins. Biochem   Pharmacol. 2017 Mar 1;127:34-45 陈峰 陈峰 Fulton D 法医学 4.581 55 Glycine   prevents pressure overload induced cardiac hypertrophy mediated by glycine   receptor. Biochem   Pharmacol. 2017 Jan 1;123:40-51 陆艳  陈琪 病理生理学 4.581 56 Icariin   protects against glucocorticoid induced osteoporosis, increases the  expression of the bone enhancer DEC1 and modulates the   PI3K/Akt/GSK3β/β-catenin integrated signaling pathway. Biochem   Pharmacol. 2017 Jul 15;136:109-121 胡锦华 杨俭 药理学 4.581 57 Vascular   endothelial growth factor promotes the activation of hepatic stellate cells   in chronic schistosomiasis. Immunol   Cell Biol. 2017 Apr;95(4):399-407 罗洁  王勇 病原生物学 4.557 58 A  novel glucagon-like peptide-1/glucagon receptor dual agonist exhibits   weight-lowering and diabetes-protective effects. Eur   J Med Chem. 2017 Sep 29;138:1158-1169 周洁 

    林海燕 黄文龙


    死活字学与分子生物学 4.519 59 AEG-1  induces gastric cancer metastasis by upregulation of eIF4E expression. J   Cell Mol Med. 2017 Dec;21(12):3481-3493 吴纯净  王雪融 黄文斌 药理学 4.499 60 Derlin-1 promotes ubiquitylation and degradation of the epithelial Na+ channel, ENaC. J   Cell Sci. 2017 Mar 15;130(6):1027-1036 尤慧 梁秀彬 病理生理学 4.431 61 Folliculin  interacts with Rab35 to regulate EGF-induced EGFR degradation Front   Pharmacol. 2017 Sep 26;8:688 郑建超  杜军 张玉杰 生理学 4.4 62 Interleukin-6  inducesDEC1, promotes DEC1 interaction with RXRα and suppresses the expression of PXR, CAR and their target genes Front   Pharmacol. 2017 Nov 28;8:866 宁睿 杨俭 刘娓 药理学 4.4 63 MKL1   defines the H3K4Me3 landscape for NF-κB dependent inflammatory response. Sci   Rep. 2017 Mar 15;7(1):191 于早晨  方明明 徐涌 病理生理学 4.259 64 Genetic  polymorphism and evolutionary differentiation of Eastern Chinese Han: a   comprehensive and comparative analysis on KIRs. Sci   Rep. 2017 Feb 16;7:42486 殷才湧 陈峰 法医学 4.259 65 Exposure  of pregnant mice to triclosan impairs placental development and nutrient transport Sci   Rep. 2017 Mar 21;7:44803 曹馨元 陈玲 王小丽 生理学 4.259 66 Characterization   and genomic study of phiKMV-Like phage PAXYB1 infecting   Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Sci   Rep. 2017 Oct 12;7(1):13068 于鑫焱 刘晓秋 病原生物学 4.259 67 Multiplex   Reverse-Transcription Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification Coupled with   Cascade Invasive Reaction and Nanoparticle Hybridization for Subtyping of Influenza A Virus. Sci   Rep. 2017 Mar 21;7:44924 迟莹  苏川 崔仑标 病原生物学 4.259 68 Role   of HDAC9-FoxO1 Axis in the Transcriptional Program Associated with Hepatic Gluconeogenesis. Sci   Rep. 2017 Jul 21;7(1):6102 陈继征 王倩 死活字学与分子生物学 4.259 69 Protein   arginine methyltransferase 1 (PRMT1) represses MHC II transcription in   macrophages by methylating CIITA. Sci   Rep. 2017 Jan 17;7:40531 樊智文 吴晓燕 徐涌 机能试验室 4.259 70 Elevated   serum antibody against Schistosoma japonicum HSP60 as a promising biomarker   for liver pathology in schistosomiasis. Sci   Rep. 2017 Aug 10;7(1):7765 陈晓军 徐志鹏 苏川 病原生物学 4.259 71 Multicolor   bioimaging with biosynthetic zinc nanoparticles and their application in   tumor detection. Sci   Rep. 2017 Mar 27;7:45313. 康雁君  张根 Zhao X Zeng X 细胞生物学 4.259 72 Silencing   salusin-β attenuates cardiovascular remodeling and hypertension in   spontaneously hypertensive rats. Sci   Rep. 2017 Feb 23;7:43259 任兴胜 朱国庆 生理学 4.259 73 Boronic   Acid-Modified Magnetic Fe3O4@mTiO2 Microspheres for Highly Sensitive and   Selective Enrichment of N-Glycopeptides in Amniotic Fluid. Sci   Rep. 2017 Jul 4;7(1):4603 石中华 

    朱云霞 吴金说念


    死活字学与分子生物学 4.259 74 Topographic   relationship between root apex of mesially and horizontally impacted mandibular third molar and lingual plate: cross-sectional analysis using   CBCT. Sci   Rep. 2016 Dec 19;6:39268 王东苗 高隽 吴煜农 神经生物学 4.259 75 Postpartum   estrogen withdrawal impairs GABAergic inhibition and LTD induction in basolateral amygdala complex via down-regulation of GPR30  Eur   Neuropsychopharmacol. 2017 Aug;27(8):759-772 杨蓉  陈玲 生理学 4.239 76 CRH   promotes human colon cancer cell proliferation via IL-6/JAK2/STAT3 signaling   pathway and VEGF-induced tumor angiogenesis. Mol   Carcinog. 2017 Nov;56(11):2434-2445 方先骏 李胜男 武彪 药理学 4.185 77 Exposure of pregnant mice to perfluorobutanesulfonate causes hypothyroxinemia and developmental   abnormalities in female offspring. Toxicol   Sci. 2017 Feb;155(2):409-419 冯雪娇  陈玲 生理学 4.081 78 Exposure   of pregnant mice to triclosan causes insulin resistance via thyroxine reduction. Toxicol   Sci. 2017 Nov 1;160(1):150-160 华旭  陈玲 孙鹏 生理学 4.081 78 FERM  domain phosphorylation and endogenous 3'UTR are not essential for regulating the function and subcellular localization of polarity protein Crumbs.  J   Genet Genomics. 2017 Aug 20;44(8):409-412 曹浩伟 黄娟 Hong Y 生物技能 4.051 79 Downregulation   of DEC1 contributes to the neurotoxicity induced by MPP+ by suppressing  PI3K/Akt/GSK3β pathway. CNS   Neurosci Ther. 2017 Sep;23(9):736-747 朱朱 杨俭 药理学 3.919 80 Microcystin-LR   promotes epithelial-mesenchymal transition in colorectal cancer cells through   PI3-K/AKT and SMAD2 Toxicol   Lett. 2017 Jan 4;265:53-60. 任岩  王婷 细胞生物学 3.858 81 iTRAQ-based   quantitative proteomic analyses of high grade esophageal squamous   intraepithelial neoplasia Proteomics   Clin Appl. 2017 Dec;11(11-12):1600167 张菁菁 祝辉 冯亚东 组织胚胎学 3.814 82 Involvement   of pregnane X receptor in the suppression of carboxylesterases by metformin   in vivo and in vitro, mediated by the activation of AMPK and JNK signaling   pathway. Eur   J Pharm Sci. 2017 May 1;102:14-23.  单恩芳 杨俭 熊晶 药理学 3.765 83 The   role of miR-2∼13∼71 cluster in resistance to   deltamethrin in Culex pipiens pallens. Insect   Biochem Mol Biol. 2017 May;84:15-22 过琴 沈波 朱昌亮 病原生物学 3.756 84 PPAR-γ   agonist ameliorates liver pathology accompanied by increasing regulatory B   and T cells in high-fat-diet mice. Obesity   (Silver Spring). 2017 Mar;25(3):581-590. 徐志鹏 季旻珺 病原生物学 3.614 85 Lactobacillus   paracasei modulates LPS-induced inflammatory cytokine release by  monocyte-macrophages via the up-regulation of negative regulators of   NF-kappaB signaling in a TLR2-dependent manner. Cytokine.   2017 Apr;92:1-11 孙可一 季晓辉 免疫学 3.488 86 FTY720   ameliorates renal fibrosis by simultaneously affecting leucocyte recruitment and TGF-β signalling in fibroblasts. Clin   Exp Immunol. 2017 Oct;190(1):68-78 田通关  周洪 施冬艳 免疫学 3.41 87 Correlation   between Trop2 and amphiregulin coexpression and overall survival in gastric   cancer. Cancer   Med. 2017 May;6(5):994-1001 赵薇  冯振卿 朱进 病理学 3.362 88 Preliminary   characterization of putative structural cuticular proteins in the malaria   vector Anopheles sinensis. Pest   Manag Sci. 2017 Dec;73(12):2519-2528 周丹 沈波 病原生物学 3.253 89 Myocardial   Ischemic Postconditioning Promotes Autophagy against Ischemia Reperfusion  Injury via the Activation of the nNOS/AMPK/mTOR Pathway Int   J Mol Sci. 2017 Mar 11;18(3):614 郝茂娟  李庆平 胡亮 药理学 3.226 90 Superoxide   Anions and NO in the Paraventricular Nucleus Modulate the Cardiac Sympathetic   Afferent Reflex in Obese Rats. Int   J Mol Sci. 2017 Dec 27;19(1). pii: E59. 陆清波 周业波 生理学 3.226 91 Osthole   pretreatment alleviates TNBS-induced colitis in mice via both   cAMP/PKA-dependent and independent pathways. Acta   Pharmacol Sin. 2017 Aug;38(8):1120-1128 孙武 李皓 病理生理学 3.223 92 Synthesis   and biological evaluation of novel aliphatic acid-conjugated antimicrobial   peptides as potential agents with anti-tumor, multidrug resistance-reversing activity and enhanced stability. Amino   Acids. 2017 Nov;49(11):1831-1841 张博 

    林海燕 黄文龙


    死活字学与分子生物学 3.173 93 Pro-apoptotic   cationic host defense peptides rich in lysine or arginine to reverse drug  resistance by disrupting tumor cell membrane. Amino   Acids (2017) 49:1601–1610 戴雨轩

    林海燕 黄文


    死活字学与分子生物学 3.173 94 MiR-143 regulates the proliferation and migration of osteosarcoma cells through  targeting MAPK7. Arch   Biochem Biophys. 2017 Sep 15;630:47-53 董献成  苏川 殷国勇 病原生物学 3.165 95 Absence of Batf3 results in reduced liver pathology in mice infected with Schistosoma  japonicum. Parasit   Vectors. 2017 Jun 24;10(1):306 陈琳 陈琳 病原生物学 3.035 96 Praziquantel treatment after Schistosoma japonicum infection maintains hepatic insulin sensitivity and improves glucose metabolism in mice. Parasit   Vectors. 2017 Oct 2;10(1):453 骆晓凤  季旻珺 病原生物学 3.035 97 Activation of ATP-sensitive potassium channel by iptakalim normalizes stress-induced HPA axis disorder and depressive behaviour by alleviating inflammation and   oxidative stress in mouse hypothalamus. Brain   Res Bull. 2017 Apr;130:146-155. 赵晓杰  孙秀兰 药理学 3.03 98 Assessment of mouse cognitive and anxiety-like behaviors and hippocampal inflammation following a repeated and intermittent paradoxical sleep deprivation procedure Behavioural   Brain Research 321 (2017) 69–78 殷梦媚 肖明 吴婷 药理学 3.002 99 Paeoniflorin  Suppressed High Glucose-Induced Retinal Microglia MMP-9 Expression and  Inflammatory Response via Inhibition of TLR4/NF-κB Pathway Through   Upregulation of SOCS3 in Diabetic Retinopathy. Inflammation.   2017 Oct;40(5):1475-1486 朱素华  李庆平 袁志兰 药理学 2.955 100 Liver Regeneration Is Impaired in Mice with Acute Exposure to a Very Low   Carbohydrate Diet. Dig   Dis Sci. 2017 May;62(5):1256-1264 陈浩 李皓 病理生理学 2.875 101 Pdcd2l Promotes Palmitate-Induced Pancreatic Beta-Cell Apoptosis as a FoxO1 Target Gene. 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